Sunday, July 19, 2020

Riding tip #53 - Skidding


another Slow Carving Exercise includes 3 skiddings in a row and has an interesting findning!

if skidding on the left side: 
1. turn towards the left with chest open
2. lift the right heel
3. push down hard into the right heel and
 at the same time lift the left heel
and sink down and turn the core towards the right!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Riding Tip #52 - Slingshot Turning

Riding Tips #52 - Slingshot wave on the ground

Riding Tips #52 - Slingshot turning

Riding Tips #52 - Slingshot turning clip2

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Riding tip #17 - Lower leg carving without turning

ohps old riding tip that I forgot to publish back in 2016...but is actually still valid AND the new one I will publish soon (#51 - "Slingshot Turning") is actually an extension on this old one!

A very interesting video to watch to understand this concept is 
"Dolphin Turns - Advanced Skiing Drills for Balance"

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Riding tip #49-back to the basics – monoski style

this riding tip is a little simple practice to get a sense for breathing, shifting the weight and sinking down and raising up ...for carving monoski style

first look at these videos to get a sense of what monoski is 
(look especially at 00:52)
(look especially at 01:40)

courbasses - toujours!

then check this one out for holding the hands and planting the poles :
it is a clip from World Mogul Freestyle Champion Patrick Deneen

and her  comes my riding tip

and the short video tutorial ...

and you do not have to go fast to get the rythm of  breathing in, planting the pole, sinking down and breathing out ... just relax and bend the knees!

of course, while riding "for real" you will not use the poles and you can be much more playful with the hands and arms, but getting back to the basics and "planting the poles" gives you a sense of calibration and you can get rid of a lot of "bad habits"

more tutorials on this:

Riding tip_#38_what the heck is wrapping the knees???

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Riding Tip #48 - the knee

read this before you get angry and upset!

OK, now let's talk about the knees!

the knee is above (aligned with) the toes/feet

the knee does NOT pass the toes (you can still see the tip of the toes!)
to go down further do not bend the knees, bend in the hip!!!

the knee goes inward ...bending forward in this position is BAD for the knee
riding like this is even worse!

the knee goes outward ...bending forward in this position is BAD for the knee
riding like this is even worse!

Nota Bene: all bodies are different and me myself I am "bandy legged" (rounded legs cownoy style) and I have to adapt to that situation, but the principles above are still valid!

... and of course the main thing is to have fun 

...but as when I pushed hard for integral helmets in 2016/17
...I say what I think and it is up to you to follow or just say "fuck it" ...
I do not suffer or hold any grudge, you can ride in any style you like!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Riding Tip #45 - Counter turning core Exercise

this is a simple exercise to "discover" your core and how you can "reprogramming" your body to get better balance for tricky riding and standing still or riding on a wooden plan not wider than your tyre!

and another video on the same principle: