read this before you get angry and upset!

OK, now let's talk about the knees!
the knee is above (aligned with) the toes/feet
the knee does NOT pass the toes (you can still see the tip of the toes!)
to go down further do not bend the knees, bend in the hip!!!
the knee goes inward ...bending forward in this position is BAD for the knee
riding like this is even worse!
the knee goes outward ...bending forward in this position is BAD for the knee
riding like this is even worse!
Nota Bene: all bodies are different and me myself I am "bandy legged" (rounded legs cownoy style) and I have to adapt to that situation, but the principles above are still valid!
... and of course the main thing is to have fun
...but as when I pushed hard for integral helmets in 2016/17
...I say what I think and it is up to you to follow or just say "fuck it" ...
I do not suffer or hold any grudge, you can ride in any style you like!!!